
Friday, December 21, 2007

15 story "apartment complex" proposed

I found this today on, a "construction leads" website that gives contractors a look at what's coming in their area. It also helps interested people like myself find new developments that I wouldn't read about in the newspaper or anywhere else on the Internet. Today, a 15-story "apartment complex" appeared under Huntsville, AL. No other details were given other than the "estimated start date" is April 2008. It's safe to say that probably won't happen.

There are two possibilities for this project. One, it could be Randy Scrimsher's proposed 21-story condo tower/parking garage project proposed about 5 years ago. The project seemed dead until it resurfaced during a height limits debate this past summer. It is very possible that the building could be built on top of a proposed 6-story parking garage at the corner of Holmes Ave. and Greene St. which would make it 21 floors. It is also possible that this could be a totally new project that hasn't been announced yet. Stay tuned...

Bidclerk project report

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