
Friday, January 16, 2009

Watercress anchor: Earth Fare?

Yet another blurry site plan has come up, leading me to believe that Earth Fare, a North Carolina-based chain of organic grocery stores, could be another possible anchor tenant for the Watercress development, only adding to the confusion around the project. Until now, there have been rumors and speculation that Kroger would build a store here, with the only proof being a suspicious symbol on the City of Huntsville's development map.

Once again, this is only an educated guess from looking at the site plan above. All I know for sure is this: the words in the anchor tenant aren't "grocery store" or "Kroger." If you believe you have a better guess, feel free to comment.


  1. I know an Earth Fare is coming to may be it.

  2. I believe Earth Fare is coming to Huntsville by April of 2010 where Circuit City used to be on University Drive.

  3. So, why should we believe you, "Anonymous"?
